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时间:2022-05-18 08:20:08 浏览量:



This summer, the hottest movie must belong to the Jurassic Park. The series of Jurassic Park is very popular around the world. When I saw the first part, I was very impressed by the dinosaur’s world. The director was so talented that he made use of the computer technology to show people an amazing world. The audience could see all kinds of dinosaurs in the movie and learned something about these huge animals. In the movie, people and these big animals can’t live together, because human being always wants to hurt them and make the profit. So there is war, the dinosaurs eat people and people try to kill them. It is time for human being to think about what they should doto the nature.

推荐访问:侏罗纪公园 Jurassic Park 侏罗纪公园 Jurassic Park 侏罗纪公园和侏罗纪世界什么联系