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时间:2022-05-18 10:40:05 浏览量:



When you ask children what do they want to be in the future, then they will tell you about their dreams. They want to be the stars, the scientists or they have the other great dreams. It is natural that the children are educated to make a difference when they grow up, it seems that they will be failing if they become ordinary. In my opinion, ordinary is the best. When people make a difference, they must have to make a sacrifice. Take the stars for example. Though they have the fame and money, they don’t have much private time, they need to work all the years. But being the ordinary one, we can have the time to enjoy life and do what we want. Ordinary life is the perfect life. We can accompany our families and visit them all the time. It is very precious.

推荐访问:才是 平凡 Ordinary 平凡才是好 Ordinary Is the Best 平凡才是最好的