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时间:2023-02-19 09:00:06 浏览量:

会计英语简历自我评价1  Truedry,learningstaff:  Thereareaccountsfor5years,costingexperience,familiarwithERP/OF下面是小编为大家整理的会计英语简历自我评价,菁选3篇(范文推荐),供大家参考。



  True dry, learning staff:

  There are accounts for 5 years, costing experience, familiar with ERP / OFFICE / Kingdee software, work careful, be patient;

  Loyalty dedicated, diligent, hard working, a good work ethic;

  Active thinking, strong learning ability and creative spirit;

  Good communication, good team player, able to work under pressure.







  From graduation to work for more than six years, he has accumulated some work experience, more determined to use their tireless efforts Scale the heights, the reason for leaving the company with me growing up, not for anything else, just to give yourself a chance to meet greater challenges. I am by nature optimistic, cheerful, sincere, steadfast, strong communication skills to serve the people sincerely. Professional job experience, the courage responsible, strong ability to receive new things, believe a word: live too old to learn.




  Down to earth, honest and trustworthy, easygoing, objective and fair, adhere to the guidelines, work carefully, be familiar with the whole process of financial and accounting operations, with certain accounting practical skills and experience, are familiar with the business reporting and operational procedures related to tax land tax ,, has a financial bank certain accounting professional ethics, team spirit and cooperation, focus on teamwork and proactive attitude; standard Mandarin fluently and have vernacular conversation.

  Really I want to give me a chance to join your company"s employment development team, make a copy of my modest! We look forward to your re*!


推荐访问:英语 自我评价 简历 会计英语简历自我评价 菁选3篇 会计英语简历自我评价1 会计英语简历自我评价100字 会计英语简历自我评价10字 简历会计的自我评价