老龄化社会(an aging society)是指老年人口占总人口达到或超过一定的比例的人口结构模型。按照联合国的传统标准是一个地区60岁以上老人达到总人口的10%,新标准是65岁老人占总人口的7%,即该地区视为进入老龄化社会。老龄化的加速对经济社会都将产生巨大的.压力。2009年10月26日,中国传统节日重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)到来之际,中国正式启动了一项应对人口老龄化战略研究,以积极应对持续加剧的人口老龄化危机。
An aging society refers to a population structure model in which aging population reaches or exceeds a certain proportion. The region is regarded as entering an aging society according to the UN’s traditional standard that an area’s old people over 60 years old takes up 10% of the total population, while the new standard is old people over 65 years old takes up 7% of the total population. The acceleration of aging will bring enormous pressure to both economy and society. On October 26, 2009 when the Double Ninth Festival, the traditional Chinese festival, came, China formally launched a strategic research on coping with aging of population to deal with increasingly intensifying population aging crisis.
达到或超过 reach or exceed
老龄化的加速 the acceleration of aging
巨大的压力 enormous pressure
中国正式启动了一项应对人口老龄化战略研究,以积极应对持续加剧的人口老龄化危机。China formally launched a strategic research on coping with aging of population to actively deal with increasingly intensifying population aging crisis.(注:注意两个“应对”的不同翻译)
Zhaozhou Bridge was built on the Jiao River about 2.5 kilometers away from the south of Zhaoxian county. The bridge was constructed in AD 605-616. Designed by a well-known Chinese mason, Li Chun, it’s made of stone, 50.82 meters long and 10 meters wide, with an unusual arch that is 7.23 meters high with a span of 37.35 meters. The stone railing and columns on the bridge were carved with beautiful dragon and phoenix designs. One of the earliest Chinese arch bridges with a long open-spandrel arch in the middle and two small arches on each side, this bridge occupies an important place in the history of Chinese bridge building and has been of interest to tourists and engineers alike.
赵州桥 Zhaozhou Bridge
洨河 Jiao River
建造 construct
匠师 mason
不可思议的 unusual
弧形桥洞 arch
跨度 span
栏杆 railing
柱子 column
龙凤 dragon and phoenix
空腹式的 open-spandrel
占有 occupy
唐代是*古典诗歌的鼎盛时期,在不到300年的时间里,产生了许多著名的诗人和诗作。时至今日,有超过5万首唐诗和2000多位唐代诗人为人们所熟知。其中,唐代最著名的诗人是李白和杜甫。李白生性无拘无束,才华横溢,他创作了大量赞美祖国大好河山的诗篇。杜甫年轻时坎坷的生活经历,使他更好地了解了社会的黑暗和人民的.困苦。最流行的唐诗作品集或许是由清朝的学者孙洙编著的《唐诗三百首》(300 Tang Poems)。唐诗一直在影响着世界文学和现代诗歌。
The Tang Dynasty was the peak of Chinese classical poetry and many distinguished poets and poetry appeared during this period of less than 300 years.Up till now,over 50,000 poems and 2,000 poets of the Tang Dynasty have been well-known among people.The best-known poets during the Tang Dynasty are Li Bai and Du Fu. Being independent and full of talent,Li Bai created a great many poems to praise the wonderful mountains and brilliant rivers.Du Fu"s rough experiences when he was young made him know better about the darkness society and the people"s sufferings.The most popular Tang poems collection might be the 300 Tang Poems compiled by the scholar Sun Zhu of the Qing Dynasty.Tang poetry has had an ongoing influence on world literature and modern poetry.
3.才华横溢:可译为full of talent。
4.大好河山:即“美好的山河”,可译为wonderful mountains and brilliant rivers。
5.社会的黑暗和人民的困苦:可译为the darkness of society and the people"s sufferings.
6.一直在影响着…:可译为have an ongoing influence on…
——建筑类英语六级翻译练习素材 (菁选2篇)
承德避暑山庄(the Chengde Mountain Resort)是淸代皇帝避暑和处理政务的场所。它的最大特色是山中有园,园中有山。避暑山庄宫殿区位于湖泊南岸,地形(terrain)*坦,是皇帝处理朝政、举行庆典和生活起居的地方。整个山庄东南多水,西北多山,是中国自然地貌的缩影(microcosm)。山庄整体布局巧用地形,与其他园林相比,有其独特的风格。山庄的建筑既具有南方园林的特点,又多沿袭北方常用的手法,成为南北建筑艺术完美结合的典范。
The Chengde Mountain Resort was a place for emperors in the Qing Dynasty to spend the summer time and deal with the administrative affairs.Its most prominent feature is the gardens and mountains embodying each other.The palace area of the Mountain Resort is located at the south of the lake on flat terrain.The emperor lived, handled state affairs and held celebrations there.The Mountain Resort is a microcosm of China"s natural landscape,with a great deal of water as in southeast China, and a great number of mountains as in northwest China.The overall layout of the Mountain Resort makes good use of the terrain, and has its unique style compared with other Chinese gardens.The architectural style of the Mountain Resort not only draws some features from southern gardens but also follows some common practices of northern architecture, modeling a perfect combination of southern and northern architectural art.
1.避暑和处理政务:其中“避暑”可理解为“度过夏天”,故译为spend the summer time;“处理政务”译为deal withadministrative affairs。
2.山中有园,园中有山:可译为the gardens andmountains embodying each other。
3.举行庆典:可译为hold celebrations。
4.整个山庄东南多水,西北多山,是中国自然地貌的缩影:此处主句为“山庄是中国自然地貌的缩影”,可译为The Mountain Resort is a microcosm of China"s naturallandscape…“东南多水,西北多山”可作伴随状语,译为with引导的复合结构,即with a great deal ofwater as in southeast China, and a great number of mountains as in northwest China。
5.巧用地形:其中“巧用”即“充分利用”,可译为make good use of。
6.与其他园林相比,有其独特的风格:可译为has its unique style compared with other Chinesegardens.其中 “compared”为过去分词作状语。
7.具有南方园林的特点:即“源自南方园林的特点”,译为some features from。
8.沿袭北方常用的手法:其中“沿袭”可译为follow; “常用的.手法”可译为common practice。
9.成为南北建筑艺术完美结合的典范:其中“…的完美结合”可用a perfect combination of...表达。
布达拉宫(the Potala Palace)坐落在**西北角玛布日山(Mountain Maburi)上,是一座融宫殿、寺宇和灵塔于一体的巨大建筑。据说它是松赞干布 (Songtsen Gampo)为迎娶文成公主而建的。布达拉宫具有鲜明的藏式风格,依山而建,气势雄伟。髙115米,共13层。主体建筑分红、白两宫,红宫居中,白宫居两侧。红宫有历代*(Dalai Lama)的灵塔(coffin tower)和各类佛堂及经堂(scripture shrine);白宫部分是*处理政务和生活居住的地方。布达宫堪称一座建筑艺术与佛教艺术的博物馆。
The Potala Palace is located on Mountain Maburi inthe northwest of Lhasa in Tibet. It"s a large buildingembodying palace, temple and coffin tower. It is saidthat the Potala Palace was built by Songtsen Gampofor his marriage to Princess Wencheng. The PotalaPalace is characteristic of a distinct Tibetan style. Built on the mountain, it looksmagnificent.It is 115 meters high and has a total of 13 floors. The main body is divided into theRed Palace and the White Palace, with the former inthe middle and the latter on either side. TheRed Palace contains coffin towers for all Dalai Lamas in the past dynasties and all kinds ofBuddhist temples and scripture shrines. The White Palace is where Dalai Lama works and lives.The Potala Palace can be called a museum both of architectural and Buddhist art.
1.松赞干布为迎娶文成公主而建的:即“布达拉宫是松赞干布建的,为了迎娶文成公主”,其中“为了迎娶”可译为for one"smarriage to。
2.鲜明的藏式风格:“鲜明的”可用distinct表达;“藏式风格”可译为Tibetan style。
3.依山而建,气势雄伟:“依山而建”即“建在山上”,可译为be built on the mountain;“气势雄伟”即“看上去很宏伟”,可译为it looks magnificent。
4.红宫居中,白宫居两侧:本句可使用with引导的复令结构,“居两侧”译为on either side。
5.历代*:即“所有过去朝代的*”,即all Dalai Lamas in the past dynasties。
7.*处理政务和生活居住的地方:其中“…的地方”可用where引导的 表语从句;“处理政务”译为work即可。
8.堪称:可译为can be called。
Measurement, which is called metrology in ancient times, is the important foundation of social development of the modern countries’ economy, science and technology. It has a long history and plays an important role in national welfare and the people"s livelihood. Established in 221 BC, in the Qin dynasty, Qinshihuang unified weights and measures, and became a unified system for the measurement of milestone in ancient China. On May 20th, 1875, the signing of the convention on metric, opened up a worldwide to implement new era of modern international system of units of measurement. Based on quantum physics, research and application of modern measurement science and technology, provides more accurate modern metrology technical support for the development of human civilization. In 1999, the 21st international conference on measurement made a decision that since 2000, May 20 is for "World Metrology Day". China"s propaganda theme of 2015 is in line with international theme for "measurement and light".
筷子(chopsticks)是中国传统的独具特色的进食工具(dining utensils),至今已有数千年的历史。筷子在古代被称为“箸”,大约从明朝开始才有了“筷子”的称呼。筷子多为竹子制成,也有用木头、象牙(ivory)、金属或其他材料制作而成。它要么上方下圆,要么上下全圆而上粗下细。不管其形状如何,筷子必须是成对使用的,并且两只筷子的大小长短要相同。筷子是中国人日常生活的必备工具,它的发明充分反映了中国人民的智慧。
Chopsticks, with a history of thousands of years, areunique traditional Chinese dining utensils. Theywere called "zhu" in ancient China and the name of"Kuai Zi" began to be used in Ming Dynasty.Chopsticks are usually made of bamboo. Some aremade of wood, ivory, metals or other materials. Their upper parts are square and lower partsround, or they are all round with thicker upper parts and thinner lower parts. Whatever theirshapes are, they are used in pairs and the pair must be identical to each other. chopsticks arethe necessary dining utensils in Chinese people"s daily life, the invention of which fully delaysthe intelligence of Chinese people.
1.第一句的主干结构为“筷子是进食工具至今已有数千年的历史”可使用插入语的形式,进行补充说明,使用 with ahistory of...进行翻译。
3.在“它要么上方下圆…上粗下细”一句中,“上下”主要指的是筷子的上半部分、下半部分,使用upper part和lower part来表达;“上方下圆”英译时可以分享系动词are,译作upper parts are square and lower parts round,避免重复;“上下全圆”可译作句子的主干,后跟介词短语with thicker upper parts and thinner lower parts说明“上粗下细”的形状。
4.“不管其形状如何”在翻译时使用“whatever+n.(their shapes)+be动词”结构,相当于状语从句nomatter what their shapes are;“大小长短要相同”没有直译成 be of the same size and height,而译为be identical to each other,后者的译法更加优美。
Noodles are not exclusive to Chinese diet. For years, there has been a heated debate on the inventor of noodles between Chinese and Italian people. In fact,noodles are popular food around the world. There are unique methods of making noodles in many countries. Just China, there are hundreds of methods.Noodles have a long history in China and are distributed widely.They are easy to make and by adding different condiments, they can be made into salty noodles, sweet noodles,spicy noodles and noodles with milk, eggs, tomatoes and so on, according to individual flavor and local customs. Besides, noodles can be cooked by boiling,steaming, frying,stirring and mixing, so they are warmly welcomed by customers.
1.并不是中国饮食的专利:可以理解为“并不是中国饮食所独有的”,故译为not exclusive to Chinese diet。
2.在面条发明者的问题上,中国人和意大利人相争了多年:可译为For years,there has been a heated debateon the inventor of noodles between Chinese andItalian people.其中 there has been a heated debateon…意为“为…激烈争论。”
3.分布甚广:可译为be distributed widely。
4.根据个人的口味和地方习惯:可译为according to individual flavor and local customs。
5.制成:可以使用词组be made into表达。
6.煮、蒸、炒、拌:可译为boiling,steaming,frying,stirring and mixing。
7.受…欢迎:可译为be warmly welcomed by。
Spring Festival is the first traditional festival for the Chinese people. In the past years, Spring Festival was called “new year”, for this day was the first day of the lunar month according to the lunar calendar which had long been used in China, so it was the beginning of a new year. It is recorded that Chinese people have celebrated Spring Festival for more than 4000 years, which was started by Yu Shun. One day as far back as 2000 B.C, Shun was inaugurated as the emperor. He led his men to hold a ceremony in honor of Heaven and Earth. From then on, people saw that day as the beginning of the year, i.e. the first day of the lunar month. This is said to be the origin of the lunar new year, which was called Spring Festival later. After the Revolution of 1911, China began to number the years according to the Gregorian calendar, and it was then that the lunar new year began to be called Spring Festival.
《三十六计》(Thirty-Six Stratagems )是有关战术的古书。三十六计按照计谋名称排列,共有六类。书中计谋的名称有不同的起源,有些源自历史故事,如“围魏救赵”;有些源自古代军事术语,如“声东击西”;有些源自习语,如“指桑骂槐”。 每个计谋都带有解释和说明。注释多引自宋朝以前战争的激烈言论,也有些引自古代著名谋略家的名言。《三十六计》创作完成后被大众广泛阅读,“三十六计,走为上计”的说法也被经常使用。
The Thirty-Six Stratagems is an ancient book concerning the art of war. The thirty-six stratagems are arranged in terms of their names and can fall into six categories.The stratagems’names in the book have different origins.Some are from historical stories, such as “besieging Wei to save Zhao”;some are from ancient military terms,such as “making a feint to the east but attacking in the west”;and some are from idioms, such as “pointing at the mulberry but scolding the locust tree”. Each stratagem name is followed by an explanation and notes. The notes are mostly sharp statements quoted from war examples before the Song Dynasty as well as from famous ancient strategists. After the composition of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, it has been widely read in the general public and the phrase “of all thirty-six stratagems, fleeing is the best” is also frequently used.
1.有关战术的古书:可译为an ancient book concerning the art of war。其中 concerning the art of war是现在分词作后置定语,修饰 an ancient book。
2.围魏救赵:可译为besieging Wei to save Zhao。其中besiege意为“围困,包围”。
3.声东击西:可译为making a feint to the east but attacking in the west。
4.指桑骂槐:可译为 pointing at the mulberry but scolding the locust tree。
5.带有解释和说明:使用词组be followed by来表达,意为“其后紧随…”。
6.被…广泛阅读:可译为has been widely read…
7.三十六计,走为上计:可译为 of all thirty-six stratagems,fleeing is the best。