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时间:2023-03-17 11:25:09 浏览量:

空难英语写作1  Therehavebeenmorethansixmajoraccidentswithinthelastsixmonths,andthemostrecentoneinvolvinga下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度空难英语写作,菁选3篇,供大家参考。



  There have been more than six major accidents within the last six months, and the most recent one involving a Far Eastern Air Transport jetliner is the most disastrous. One hundred and ten innocent passengers were dashed to death from midair and burned into charcoal. No one knows how it happened and no one knows who is responsible for the accident. But at least Fat should have the decency of making proper funeral arrangements for the unfortunate victims. The attitude of the FAT general manager, however, is very disappointing. Money cannot solve every problem, least of all when one is suddenly deprived of his dear ones. What the relatives of the victims need most is concern and sympathy. A manager must have a strong sense of responsibility. By trying to shirk even the moral responsibility of the accident, the FAT manager has shown himself to be unsympathetic to the crash victims and their relatives. I feel dee* disappointed.


  There have been more than six major accidents within the last six months, and the most recent one involving a Far Eastern Air Transport jetliner is the most disastrous. One hundred and ten innocent passengers were dashed to death from midair and burned into charcoal. No one knows how it happened and no one knows who is responsible for the accident. But at least Fat should have the decency of making proper funeral arrangements for the unfortunate victims. The attitude of the FAT general manager, however, is very disappointing. Money cannot solve every problem, least of all when one is suddenly deprived of his dear ones. What the relatives of the victims need most is concern and sympathy. A manager must have a strong sense of responsibility. By trying to shirk even the moral responsibility of the accident, the FAT manager has shown himself to be unsympathetic to the crash victims and their relatives. I feel dee* disappointed.


  When the Boeing 737 jetliner of Far Eastern Air Transport took off from Sungshan Airport on the morning of August 22, 1981, there was no sign that the worst air disaster was only ten minutes away. But at 10:10 a.m., people who lived in Miaoli heard an explosion-like noise and looked up to see the airplane disintegrate in midair. The newspapers reported next day that all 110 passengers aboard, including some Americans and Japanese, were killed; there was no survivor. The number of death is the largest of all air mishaps in Taiwan. This disaster should prompt us to reexamine our air travel safety measures. I think we have the right to ask the airline company to adhere strictly to standard aircraft maintenance. Unless an aircraft is properly maintained, there will be no safety to speak of. And I am sure we all hope that such a disastrous accident as this one will not be repeated again.

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